
National Landmarks



# Unsatisfactory 1 Satisfactory 2 Excellent 3 Score
Effort -very little effort -poor work and unfinished project -good effort -completes project -works to the best of ability -produces high quality finished product %25
Attentiveness to Task -almost never on task -very little focus -does not follow directions -almost always on task -ususally focused -follows some directions -consistently on task -very focused -follows all directions %25
Partner Cooperation -is disrespectful to partner -impedes partners learning -no work-related dialogue with partner -not helpful to partner -usually shows respect for partner -some work-related dialogue with partner -tries to be helpful -consistently shows respect for partner -high quality work-realated dialogue with partner -provides adequate help when appropriate %25
Respects and uses equipment properly -has no respect for equipment -does not use equipment in the proper manner -leaves workspace in disarray -respects equipment -uses equipment properly -leaves workspace neat and orderly %25

Total Score: %100

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