
El dia de los muertos




# 4 3 2 1 Score
Completion Venn Diagram is 100% complete, there are no blanks. The Venn Diagram is 99-80% complete, there are a few blanks on it. Venn Diagram is 79-70% complete, there are several blanks on it. Venn Diagram is less than 70% complete, most of it is blank.
Accuracy The Venn Diagram is 100-95% accurate, all or most of the information is correct. The Venn Diagram is 94-80% accurate,there are a few mistakes or information is in the wrong place. The Venn Diagram is 79-70% accurate,thereare several mistakes or information is frequently in the wrong place. The Venn Diagram is less than 70% accurate,thereare frequent mistakes or information is frequently in the wrong place.
Vocabulary Use. Three vocabulary words are used correctly on the Venn Diagram. Three vocabulary words are used on the Venn Diagram, however one is used incorrectly OR only two vocabulary words were used. Two vocabulary words were used on the Venn Diagram, however one is used incorrectly OR only one vocabulary word is used. There were vocabulary words present however they were used incorrectly OR there were no vocabulary words present.
Knowledge of Concepts. Student demonstrates CLEAR understanding of differences between Halloween and Dia de los Muertos. Student demonstrates PARTIAL understanding of differences between Halloween and Dia de los Muertos. Student demonstrates LIMITED understanding of differences between Halloween and Dia de los Muertos. Student demonstrates NO understanding of differences between Halloween and Dia de los Muertos.

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