
The Human Body




# WOW 4 Almost There 3 On The Way 2 Not Yet 0-1 Score
Presentation (Neatness) My writing is neat and easy to read. It is pleasing to the eye! My writing is legible and neat. My handwriting is poor and difficult to read. My handwriting is unreadable and messy. %25
Ideas (Main idea & Details) My booklet & project has a clear main idea and has many details to describe each system. Most of my booklet & project has a clear main idea and has some details to describe each system. My main idea is not very clear and I have very little details to describe each system. My booklet & project has no main ideas or details to describe each system. %25
Cooperation I worked well with my group while researching our body system. I contributed to my group and helped with the research & construction of the project. I mostly worked well with my group while researching our body system. I might not have contributed to my group or helped with the research and construction of the project. I sometimes worked well with my group while researching our body system. I might not have contributed to my group or helped with the research and construction of the project. I did not work well with my group while researching our body system. I did not contribute to my group or help them with the research and construction of the project. %25
Material Usage I used at least 3 different resources including; web-sites, books, and magazines to research my body system. I used 2 different resources to research my body system. I used only one resource to research my body system. I did not use any resources to research my body system. %25

Total Score: %100

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