
Going shopping




# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
Information research on the topic: shops, clothes, footwear, useful expressions Poor research work. Interaction shows that most of the resources suggested were used. Interaction shows that all the resources were employed. All the resources were used. Students even searched for information in other sites/ books. 25%
Referring to items wanted/ Understanding customers' questions Students can interact in a very simple way; They are able to ask and answer simple questions, which have been previously prepared. Students can communicate and exchange information related to the topic studied; They can handle very short exchanges even though they sometimes aren’t able to keep the conversation going on by themselves. Students can enter unprepared into a conversation on the topic being studied/discussed; They can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that would make regular interaction. Students can express themselves fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions; They can use language flexibly and effectively. 25%
Presentation of the items asked for the celebrity; - Expressing likes/dislikes Students have some difficulties as far as accent, pronunciation and fluency are concerned. Students can speak with some fluency, by presenting a reasonable accent. Students can take an active part in the discussion/ conversation accounting for and sustaining their points. Students can take part effortlessly in the conversation/ discussion and have a good familiarity with idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms; If they have a problem they are able to overcome it and restructure around the difficulty so efficiently that other people are hardly aware of it. 25%
Role play proficiency Students have a poor performance. They don't convince their "audience". Students have a satisfactory performance. Students have a good performance. They really convinced their "viewers" that they are celebrities and shop assistants. Students performed their roles brilliantly. They were extremely creative. 25%

Total Score: 100%

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