
Decision Making



# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
Organisation and logical Either not clear organisation or no logical sequence Medium organisation and had some logical parts Acceptable quality and almost had all requirments of the logical sequence. Very clear structure and has logical sequence %25
Presentation Very ordinary and not clearly understood. Acceptable presentation and hardly understood Good presentation and understood. Excellent presentation and clearly understood %25
Analysing and interpreting Lack of understanding of the identified problem. Grasp the basic concepts and started to analyse and interpreting Grasp almost all the consepts and understood what is meant by analysing and interpreting. Willing and discussed to a certain depth all the possible solutions %25
Practical solutions The problem and the solutions identified are not possible. Started to defined the problem and the solutions Grap the consepts of a problem and solutions. The problem and the solutions identifed are real. %25

Total Score: %100

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