
HELP! I'm a teen!




# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
Information research on the topic chosen and note-taking Copy/ paste information. Some information well selected but some inadequate or incomplete. Relevant information selected not using their own words. Relevant information selected using their own words to write creative texts. %25
Powerpoint presentation containing a relevant selection of information Copy/paste information to the slides. Very poor or no animation at all. "heavy" Pp presentation with long boring texts. Poor or no animation. Pp presentation, showing only some relevant selection of information. Some or enough animation. Pp presentation, showing a good selection of information by using key words. Enough animation. %25
PowerPoint Oral presentation to the class Reading from the slides with great difficulty. Bad pronunciation and stress. Reading from the slides with some difficulty and hesitation that does not interfere with communication. Mostly fluent but not always free speech. Showing an adequate use of strutures and vocabulary Very fluent free speech with very good pronunciation and with an adequate use of strutures and vocabulary. %30
Slogan Too long, not catchy at all and inadequate to the topic. Not persuasive (catchy) and not adequate or adequate to the topic (catchy). Persuasive (catchy) and adequate to the topic. Very persuasive (it sticks in the mind) and very adequate to the topic %20

Total Score: %100

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