
Henry VIII and his six wives




# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
Tasks 1 & 6: Reading for detail Limited information found and mostly incorrect. Some of the correct information was found. Most of the correct information found was correct. All of the correct information found was correct. 25%
Task 2 & 4: Word Matching and The Six Wives of Henry VIII Most of the words and pictures are incorrectly matched to their meaning and name. Some of the words and pictutes are correctly matched to their meaning and name. Most of the words and pictures are correctly matched to their meaning and name. All of the words and pictures are correctly matched to their meaning and name. 25%
Task 3: Gap fill Most of the gap are filled in incorrectly. Some of the gaps are filled in correctly. Most of the gaps are filled in correctly. All of the gaps are filled in correctly. 25%
Task 5: What happened to Henry VIIIs wives? The learner is unable to find the rhyme without assistance and does not understand it. The learner can find the rhyme but needs some assistance in understandingit. The learner can find the rhyme and understands it. The learner can find the rhyme, understands it and is able to recite it. 25%

Total Score: 100%

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