
Human Rights




# Presentations at this level do not use sources and problem solution structure is not clear. Presentations at this level use few sources, are moderately coherent, and problem/solution structure is vaguely identifiable. Presentations at this level use some sources and fairly coherently explain their issue. Presentations at this level use many sources to coherently explain their issue using a problem solution structure. Score
Sources and preparation 0 points Students do not incorporate information from multiple sources. Students seem unprepared. 1 Point Students incorporate information from multiple sources. Students are somewhat prepared and all group members may not participate equally. 2 Points Students incorporate information from a few sources including articles and organization websites. Students are somewhat prepared and all group members participate roughly equally. 3 Points Students incorporate information from multiple sources including articles and organization websites. Students are prepared and all group members participate equally. %25
Problem and solutions structure; relevance 0 points Topic of presentation is unclear or only vaguely related to human rights violation. 1 Point Students describe a human rights violation, but problem solution structure is not clear. 2 Points Students describe a human rights violation. Solutions may not be relevant, given the problems. 3 Points Students clearly describe problems and solutions associated with a human rights violation. Solutions are relevant, given the problems. %25
Examples and visual aids 0 points Students do not provide sufficient examples. Presentations contain 0 visual aids. 1 Point Students provide few examples and elaborate on their points. Presentations contain 1-2 visual aids. 2 Points Students provide some examples and elaborate on their points. Presentations contain 2 visual aids. 3 Points Students provide many examples and elaborate on their points. Presentations contain 3 visual aids. %25
Grammar and pronunciation 0 points Grammatical errors and pronunciation errors impede comprehension. 1 Point Grammatical errors and pronunciation errors impede some comprehension. 2 Points Grammatical errors and pronunciation errors may impede some comprehension. 3 Points Grammatical errors and pronunciation errors do not impede comprehension. %25

Total Score: %100

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