
Unusual Sports




# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
Originality and design The sports chosen are well-known; the whole leaflet follows some basic and unattractive pattern. The sports chosen are unusual and sufficiently described, but the form of the leaflet is very common. The sports and the information about them are well chosen and presented; the design attracts attention. The sports chosen are interesting and well presented; the invitation to the club is appealing and the whole leaflet is eye-catching. %25
Informativeness The information about the sports chosen - history, rules, pictures - is poor. The information about the club, practices and recruitment is missing or insufficient. The information about the sports is included and is sufficient. The pictures are not very exemplary and the information about the club, practices and recruitment could be extended. All the information is included and well chosen. The pictures illustrate the subject. All the information is pertinent, interesting and attracts attention. The pictures are exemplary. %25
Coherence Each part stands by itself; it is easy to find out who chose which role. The inside part of the leaflet is more or less coherent, but it stands apart from the front and the back page. The whole leaflet is coherent, but we can still see it was created by four people. The leaflet seems to be created by one person and maintains the same structure and style. %25
Grammar The creators of the leaflet seem not to have paid much attention to the grammar. There are a lot of spelling and vocabulary mistakes. There are spelling mistakes, but we can see that the authors tried to avoid them. The use of vocabulary is correct. There are almost no mistakes. Nevertheless, some sentences or expressions can sound strange to a native speaker. All the texts seem to be created by a native speaker, there are only minor spelling mistakes. %25

Total Score: %100

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