
Counting Money




# Needs Improvement 1 Meets Expectations 2 Exceeds Expectations 3 Score
Class Participation: Did I use my time wisely? Did I stay on task? I did not use my time wisely. I did not stay on task. I mostly used my time wisely. I mostly stayed on task. I used all of my time wisely. I stayed on task the whole time. 25%
Money Folder: Did I turn in all of my assignments? I did not turn in any assignments. I turned in one assignment. I turned in all assignments. 25%
Videos and Games: Did I participate in all videos and games? I did not participate in any of the videos or games. I participated in a few videos and games. I participated in all videos and games. 25%
Buddy Work: Was I cooperative with my partner? Did we work well together? I was not cooperative and did not work well with my partner. I was a bit cooperative and worked okay with my partner. I was cooperative and worked well with my partner. 25&

Total Score: 100%

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