
Language Beats: A WebQuest on Learning a Language through Music



Welcome: Language Beats: A WebQuest on Learning a Language through Music
Description: Welcome to "Language and Rhythm: A webQuest on Language Learning through Music." In this webQuest, you will embark on a musical journey to enhance your language learning skills. Music has the power to engage and inspire, making it an excellent tool for language acquisition. Throughout this WebQuest, you will choose a song in your target language, analyze its lyrics, identify language features, listen and repeat, sing along,and so on. By immersing yourself in the melodies and rhythms of music, you will gain a deeper understanding of the target language's vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. Through this interactive and enjoyable process, you will improve your listening comprehension, speaking skills, and overall language proficiency. Are you ready to embark on this harmonious language learning adventure? Let's dive in!
Grade Level: 9-12
Curriculum: English / Language Arts
Keywords: English, language, music, song, lyrics, vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar
Author(s): Nailah Faizah, Belly Ubaidila, Sailah Rusydianah, Satria Ahmad

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WebQuest Hits: 502
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