
Maximilien Robespierre and his Reign of Terror.



Welcome: Maximilien Robespierre and his Reign of Terror.
Description: Immediately after the French Revolution the country was in chaos. Roaming political mobs set up their own courts and began guillotining there own people for the smallest crimes. There was constant hysteria that a ruling class plot would attack their new "republic". After a year of this a new political party took over the government,the Jacobin.Led by the leftist Anarchist Robespierre who began reforming the revolutionary France and established a constitution, the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. He believed universal suffrage and had a reputation for being incorruptible. He truly thought that everything he did was for the good of the people. He also squashed free speech and began purges on any group that disagreed with the revolutionary ideals. The revolution was so important he was willing to do anything to advance the cause. As he put it "Who can argue with the man on the side of truth?" But of course we told you all that. Any fool with a computer nowadays can copy and paste and turn this in for an "A". No, we are evil webquest creators. Our project will require you to think. We want you to find out just who Robespierre is, why he did what he did. Who is the villain behind the mask? Then we want you to do a presentation on what you would do if you were a leader like Robespierre? What would be the same, what would be different?
Grade Level: 9-12
Curriculum: Social Studies
Keywords: Webquest, French Revolution ,France , Reign of terror, Robespierre, 39, penquins
Author(s): Brodin Terrill


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