
Ancient India and Persia



Welcome: Ancient India and Persia
Description: South Asia is a land of diverse geography and influential people. Its geography consists of rivers, and plains, mountain ranges and the early people of South Asia influenced trade, architecture, science, and religion. Today, the changing geography and people capture the world's attention.
Grade Level: 6-8
Curriculum: Social Studies
Keywords: Ancient India Persia Geography Hinduism Buddhism
Author(s): Kathryn Woerner & Michele Aschbrenner


5-2 India and Persia
Description: I can analyze the sequence of events during the Indus River Valley Civilizations. I can differentiate between the Indian and Persian Empires.
5-3 Hinduism
Description: I can list and explain the main beliefs of Hinduism.
5-1 Geography of South Asia
Description: I can list and describe the physical and human geography of South Asia. I can summarize and describe the challenges of Mt. Everest.
5-4 Buddhism
Description: I can explain the significance of the Buddha.

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