
Organic Farming and Genetically Modified Organisms



As an initiative of the Health Promotion Campaign, you are invited on a television talk show in order to criticize an article published in a local newspaper regarding the theme of the Organic Farming. As you were reviewing the article, you realized that it lacks data and facts to back up the statements for or against organic farming.

Your task is to divide into four groups and take an assigned role. You need to research the theme from your role's point of view and present in the information in any visual aid you like including banners, posters, power point presentations, pamphlets or advertisements, so you can share your knowledge with the class.

Prepare a five minute presentation to be viewed in the talk show arguing for or against Organic Farming from your role’s point of view. Make use of the resources/ visuals you produced to communicate the message effectively. Remember that the programme will be aimed for the general public including consumers, farmers, household workers as well as students.

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