
Black Death / Bubonic Plague



Your primary mission is to develop an on line journal which will answer the following questions. Your journal is to be written as if you were one of the following people living during the Middle Ages: A King, Queen, Noble man or woman, merchant, artisan, surf, or peasant.  Your online journal must include a responce for each question, in paragraph format along with a picture for each question.

1.  What was the Black Death? 
2.  When did the Death Death take place?
3.  What caused the Black Death?
4.  Where did the Black Death occur? (Where did it start and where did it end?)
5.  Who were affected by Black Death?
6.  How were people able to determine if another had the plague?  ( What were the signs and symptoms?)
7.  How did people, during the Middle Ages, explain the Black Death?
8.  Were there any measaures a person could use to prevent or protect themself from Black Death?
9. What were the steps that finally brought Black Death under Control?
10.  What were, at least six, of the changes that imcompressed Europe as a whole?  (You must list two in each of the following catagories: Political, economic, and social)

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