
Human Anatomy Laboratory



The tasks that you are to submit focus around the techniques developed to recognize superficial and deep anatomical structures and the ability to dissect in the lab.

You are a surgeon who will:

    1)     Travel on "Field Trips" to Research the given websites as well as your own researched additional websites for human body anatomy dissection pictures and physiological/nutritional information.


    2)    Choose an anatomical human system that you intend to specialize in as a surgeon and Prepare a six (6) slide power point presenation on the human anatomical system of your choice. Begin the power point presentation with the superficial layers of the skin and show the inner layers as well as the system's deeper layers in the same sequence as if you were dissecting the body's system in the anatomy laboratory.


    3)    Power Point Presentation MUST include:

***Slide # 1-Your "Title" Slide with Introduction (use this Webquest slide   organization as a guide)

***Slide # 2-5 as you choose

***Slide # 6-Conclusion-Answer all Questions listed in this Webquest and list ONE (1) website address you researched and discovered about the Body's NUTRITION   that contains one article, website or video.


    4)     Estimated time/effort/research required for an "A" Grade: 10 Hours


Suggested field trip websites for referrals and references are listed in "Process"  


Picture Taken From: www.ghoulfriday.com/files/ghoulfm/blogs/2009/April_May/DISSECTION_studentdream.jpg

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