
Adolescent Relationship and Dating Abuse



Today you will be analyzing, in groups, many of the dating and relationship abuse websites available online. It will be important to see how these organizations have used different techniques in order to get their messages across; things such as statistics, fundraising events, and commercial tools (such as posters, flyers, pamphlets, bookmarks, bracelets, t-shirts, etc.) so that you can pull ideas to create your own organizations.

That's right, after researching several organizations your group will be developing an organization/club devoted to promoting the education and prevention of teen dating abuse. In addition, this organization/club must be able to reach out to the victims of dating abuse, their families, and friends.

However you aren’t done yet. What is the good of creating an amazing new organization/club if you are not going share it and allow the chance for it to be put into effect? So once your group has created your organization/club, all members of the group must pitch your idea to your classmates.

When you are listening to the presentations of your classmates organizations/clubs you must be able to give reasons on why you think it will be effective, why not, what you like, what you would change, and if it would be possible to actually implement this organization/club in our school or community.

After that the rest is up to you. You could very easily take the feedback from class and your revised (if necessary) organization/club proposal to the school or community and present it for possible approval; and although not every (or any) proposal may get approved, it is always worth a try.

Wayne Gretzky once said “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” So be creative, take chances, and make me proud!!!!



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