
Personal Fitness Webquest



Many people struggle with being their "ideal weight" or having their "dream body".  When looking at our country today, we have more people on diets than ever before, we also have more people as members of fitness clubs than ever before.  What many people need to realize is that fitness is a life changing decision.  Fitness has to become a habit, it is not something you can do for a few weeks and then take 2 months off and expect to look the same and have the same benefits.  Living an active life is a habit.  If one doesn't make time for their personal fitness they will be so far away from their fitness goals, they will feel too overwhelmed to try to get back into shape.  Many people don't know where to start, this is where you will become your own personal trainer.

In this exercise you will be responsible for researching the topic of Health Fitness and develop a workout program to develop, improve, and maintain your fitness level.  All of these tasks will require that you work individually or cooperatively with a workout partner.

Tasks--you will develop:

-Strength fitness plan

-Cardiovascular fitness plan

-Healthy eating plan

 Please scroll down and watch the Trends in Obesity that is listed in the resources.


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