
The English Renaissance



Group 1: Historical and social background


  • conventional dates of the English Renaissance
  • names of dynasties who exercised power in this time

2. Humanism as the first and most important movement. Characterize it and give the names of its representatives.
3. Describe the development and results of Protestant Reformation. Give the names of leaders and main principles of this movement.
4.  Devision of society in England at that time.
5. What was the Bubonic Plague, and how did it affect society during that time?

Group 2: Elizabethan Theatre

1. What did the Elizabethan Theatre refer to?
2. Give the name of the most famous theatre and provide the date of its estabelishment

3. How did the Elizabethan Theatre differ from medieval performances?
4.  Mention the names of the most famous dramatist of Elizabethan Theatre
5. What was the name of playing company for whom Shakespeare worked for most of his cereer?

Group 3: Shakespeare and some of his works

1. Present briefly the figure of William Shakespeare
2.When did William Shakespeare write Romeo and Juliet?
3. Present briefly the history of these two lovers
4. When were the cycle of sonnets published?
5. Present the division of sonnets according to the themes.
6. Choose one sonnet and interpret it.

 Group 4: Thomas Wyatt and John Milton

  1. Present briefly the figures of Wyatt and Milton
  2. Why is Wyatt called the Father of English Modern Poetry?
  3. Analyse and interpret two of Wyatt’s famous sonnets: Whoso list to hunt and  They Flee from Me
  4. What is the name of the most famous work of  Thomas Milton?
  5. Present briefly its themes and characters (especially Devil)

Group 5: Metaphisical poetry and John Donne

  1. What was the metaphysical poetry?
  2. Characterize its features and give the name of its representatives.
  3. Present briefly the figure of John Donne
  4. Analyse and interpret the sonnet: Batter my heart, three - personed God
  5. List two famous quotations from the XVIIth Meditation of John Donne

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