
Skin Cancer Prevention and Detection



The first thing you want to do is find some pictures that display the sun, a beach, a lake or any other place outdoors.  You then want to display a picture or two for the first page of your pamphlet.  Then come up with a title for your pamphlet.

The second thing you want to do is find some facts and statistics about skin cancer.  The following link will take you to a website that lists a lot of these facts and statistics.  http://www.skincancer.org/skin-cancer-facts/.  You should pick out some facts and statistics that would be good for people to know.  You should list these on the pamphlet that you are creating.

Then you should find out what the three different types of skin cancer are.  The next part of the pamphlet should list the three different types as well as a description of each type.  The website that you use to find the facts and statistics also has information on the three different types of skin cancer.

Next you should find some ways in which people can prevent themselves from developing skin cancer.  There are many ways to prevent skin cancer.  Use an internet search to find out some ways to prevent it.  Once you find them, you want to create a section in your pamphlet that identifies these prevention techniques.

The last part of your pamphlet should include ways in which people can detect skin cancer in their own home.  Describe what people should look for and how they should go about looking for skin cancer on their body.  You should include some pictures in your pamphlet of what marks on the skin that could lead to skin cancer look like.  There are many websites available that will help you with the detection section of your pamphlet. 

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