
Foundations for Teaching and Learning ECE 5001

History and Theories, Foundations for Teaching and Learning


        There have been many influential educators that have been in history, who have made major impacts on our society. These specific individuals have made impressions on teaching, that set us up as great examples to follow in today's time as teachers. There have been many educators that made history with their theories, events, beliefs, and so on. As a teacher, I see the footprints these individuals have made, in order for people like me to be impacted and follow what they have paved the way for. The role of the contemporary early childhood educator is someone who can look upon some or most  of these individuals as examples that have made teachers, and even schools what they are today, and what they believe in. The following are a few educators I would like to discuss; Comenius, Locke, Montessori, and Piaget.                                                                                                                                                                                   


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