
E-Cigarettes and Vaping



You walk into the bathroom and notice that a 12th grade student is smoking. Since you follow the rules, you mention that they should not be smoking on school property and can get into serious trouble. The 12th grader says, "It's just a vape, it won't hurt me or anything. It doesn't even have smoke like regular cigarettes." 

You leave the bathroom to get back to class but on your walk back you start to remember all of the information you gave been learning on tobacco products in health class. You think back on all of the negative effects that smoking has on your body but you have not learned about vaping and e-cigarettes yet. You want to learn more about this so you can tell the 12th grader exactly what they are doing to their body when you see them again.

Go to the tasks tab to see what you need to know on vaping and e-cigarettes.

Than go to the process tab to find out ore information on the topic.

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