
Catching the Sound Wave



You and your band have just been invited to play at the gala event for the biggest convention ever to come to town!  This is your big break!  Now the music companies are sure to notice you!!

One catch – the convention committee has asked you to play your music with the same “convention theme” that they have this year.  OK, no problem - - you can dress as space men or pirates or….but, what is their theme?  

The group that is coming to town is a science group that gathers to show off their latest do-it-yourself, homemade inventions!  The theme is “Re-invent Yourself!”  Your band has been asked to play on musical instruments you make yourself!

Play on your own, home-made instruments?  Is that possible?  You have beat on a coffee can before, and you know that you can make neat sounds by rubbing a wet finger around the rim of a half-filled glass.  You can even blow into a glass bottle to make a sound.  Yes, you really could make your own instruments – if you knew how to control the sound so it isn’t just noise. 

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