
The Salem Witch Trials: Truth and Consequences




# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
Answering the worksheet questions. Answered questions with no analysis, simply regurgitated information on the web pages. Answers showed little analysis, and barely went beyond information on the web pages. Answers showed good analysis using the information on the web pages. Exemplary analysis, information on web pages is shown in a new light. 50%
Use of time online. Student's time online is wasted - little to no time is dedicated to the assigned tasks. Student makes some use of online resources - while most time is wasted, some progress toward the assigned task is accomplished. Student makes good use of time online - very little off-task behavior. Student uses online-based resources completely appropriately - no time is spent off-task. 20%
Quiz results Answered one question correctly. Answered two questions correctly. Answered three to four questions correctly. Answered all five questions correctly. 20%
Ability to work alongside other students. Student is distracted or distracting other students. Student is able to keep on-task around other students at least half of the time. Student is able to work effectively around other students with little to no disruption. Student serves as a model of appropriate behavior to other students and causes no distractions or disruptions. 10%

Total Score: %100

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