
How much does it really cost to have a baby?










Content is accurate and information is presented in a logical order

Content is accurate but some information is not presented in a logical order, but is still generally easy to follow.

Content is accurate but information is not presented in a logical order, making it difficult to follow.

Content is questionable and information is not presented in a logical order making it difficult to follow

Content is inaccurate. Information is not presented in a logical order making it difficult to follow.


Presentation flows well and logically. Presentation reflects extensive research and creativity

Presentation flows well. Presentation reflects moderate research and creativity.

Presentation reflects an acceptable understanding of content with minimal research and creativity.

Presentation is unorganized. Presentation displays incorrect or irrelevant content and lacks creativity

Presentation is unorganized. Presentation contains no evidence of research or creativity.

USE OF VISUAL AIDS (pictures, clip art, etc…)

Visual aids are appropriate and relevant. Layout shows creativity

Visual aids are appropriate and relevant. Layout is cluttered

Most visual aids are appropriate or relevant. Visual aids missing in some places.

Visual aids are inappropriate or missing.

No Visual Aids


No spelling errors. No grammatical errors. All vocabulary is relevant and appropriate.

Few spelling errors. Some grammatical errors. Most vocabulary is relevant and appropriate.

Some spelling and/or grammatical errors. Inappropriate vocabulary or slang present.

Some major spelling or grammatical errors. Extensive use of inappropriate language.

Extensive spelling and/or grammatical errors. Extensive use or inappropriate language. Or- work was found to be plagiarized.


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