
The Life of a Gray Wolf




# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Score
Team Work Did not work well with partner to collect information. Did work with partner to collect information. Did work with partner to collect information. Took turns using the computer. %25
Vocabulary and Wolf Handout Assignment Defined a couple vocabulary words. Answered some of the Wolf hand out questions. Defined half of the vocabulary words. Answered half of the Wolf hand out questions.e. Defined all vocabulary words. Answered all Wolf hand out questions. %25
How well did you illustrate your book Completed a couple pictures in the book. Took time and effort to complete most of the illustrations in the book. Took time and effort to illustrate each page. Showed their creative side. %25
Complete sentences, proper grammar, and punctuation Wrote fragmented sentences for each page. Had several grammar and punctuation errors. Wrote one complete sentences for each page. Had few grammar and punctuation errors. Wrote two complete sentences for each page. Used proper grammar and punctuation. %25

Total Score: %100

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