
You are an architect!



# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
Task: Completed Worksheets (Lesson one and Lesson two) The worksheets were not completed. Not all parts were completed. The information is not all clearly stated. The parts were all included, but were not all accurate. The information is not all clearly stated. The parts were all included and accurate. The parts were clearly stated. %25
Task: Including all your parts in the Team’s portfolio (Two worksheets and the drawing The task is incomplete and it is apparent that you put in little effort into the development of the task. You included no papers in the portfolio. At least two areas of the task are not included in the portfolio. You demonstrated a moderate level of thought. At least one area of the task is not included in the portfolio. You demonstrated a great deal of thought. All areas of the task are included in the portfolio and handled with a high degree of sophistication. You demonstrated a great deal of thought. %25
Team Work: Working together with your Team You showed no evidence of collaboration. You did not work well with your group. You had problems working together with your team. Little collaboration occurred. You worked well together with your team, but you could have utilized your skills to a better degree. It is evident that you worked well with your group. You showed a consistent and strong effort to work with your team. %25
Originality and Influence: Architectural Façade Drawing There were no original ideas or influence expressed in your drawing. The ideas expressed in your drawing demonstrate a low degree of originality and influence from the style. The ideas expressed in your drawing are mostly original. You showed some influence from the style. The ideas expressed in your drawing demonstrate a high degree of originality and influence from the style. %25

Total Score: %100

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