
Microsoft Office Excel 2010 Shopping Spree



You will be assessed on the following:

1. Math errors - no mathematical errors present
2. Following Directions - follow directions the first time they are given (at least 10 items purchased)
3. Excel Shopping Spree Chart - stay within $2,000.00 budget
4. Class Presentation - answer all questions completely

See the assessment rubric below for more details


# Excellent (4) Well (3) Needs Guidance (2) Poor (1) Score
Math Errors 90-100% of the spreadsheet have no math errors. Almost all 85-89% of the spreadsheet have no math errors. Most 75-84% of the spreadsheet have no math errors. More than 75% of the spreadsheet have math errors. 25
Following Directions The student always followed directions. The student followed directions most of the time. The student followed directions some of the time. The student was not following directions. 25
Microsoft Excel Shopping Spree Chart Budget Did not go over $1000.00 budget. ------------------ ------------------ Went over $1000.00 budget. 25
Class Presentation Presentation complete, all questions answered. Presentation complete, but not all questions answered. Presentation is incomplete. No presentation. 25

Total Score: 100

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