
Zombie Survival WebQuest



Congratulations!  If you have completed this assignment you should be well prepared to survive the zombie apocalypse.  If you have not completed this assignment yet, your brain will undoubtedly become zombie food.  While we hope the zombie apocalypse never occurs, this activity should still be useful to you as an exercise for decision making.

When else could this type of information be useful?  Why did the US government’s CDC have its own website about zombies?  What lessons did they hope people could learn from this scenario?  Making good decisions and being prepared is not something that usually happens naturally, but happens to people who take time to think through the costs and benefits of the decisions they are facing. 

If you enjoy zombie-scenario decision making, you might enjoy the following websites:


http://armorgames.com/play/10810/the-sagittarian-1 (PG 13)


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