
Multiple Intelligences



Let's talk about YOU!  What are your interests?  What type of hobbies do you enjoy?  What is your favorite subject?  If you could tell your teachers how to teach, what methods would you suggest?  What do you envision yourself doing in 10 years?  What career interests do you have?  What goals motivate you to do your best?

The answers to all these questions will partially be determined by the type of learner you are.  Just because you'll graduate from high school in a year or two, don't think that learning stops.  You will continue to learn all throughout your life; the main difference after high school is the wider range of choices you have when deciding what and how to learn. 

So what type of learner are you?  Maybe you already have a guess or maybe you've never even thought about it.  This webquest will answer that question and allow you to talk about what is probably your favorite subject:  YOU! 

IMPORTANT:  Throughout this webquest, the terms "learning style" and "intelligence type" will be used interchangeably.  They both refer to the multiple intelligences revealed by the studies of educational researchers and statisticians.

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