
The Road to World War II: 4 Dictatorships



# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
Accuracy 5 points Few to none of the facts are accurate; the article is not at all structured, and very difficult to understand. 7 points Some of the facts are correct, but there are a number of mistakes; the article is logical at times, but not easy to follow. 9 points Most of the facts are correct, but there are a few mistakes; parts of it are confusing. 10 points The facts included in your article are accurate and factual; the article makes sense. %50
Integration of Information 5 points There is information from only one of the sections. 7 points There is information from two of the sections included in the article. 9 points There is information from three of the sections included in the article. 10 points There is information from all four resource sections included in the article (biography, economy, political, social) %50

Total Score: %100

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