
A school trip to London




# 1 2 3 4 Score
Motivation and collaboration Borderline. The motivation is not very high and so is the level of collaboration with the other mates. Quite good level of motivation and interaction. Very good level of motivation and interaction. The pupil collaborates actively with the other mates. Excellent level of motivation and interaction. The pupil collaborates actively with the other mates and provides personal contributions. %25
English sills Borderline. Quite a few vocabulary mistakes and misspellings. Quite good. Limited range of vocabulary but effectively used; some spelling mistakes. Very good. No errors. only some mistakes. Excellent. Hardly any mistakes. %25
Written/graphic presentation Borderline. Not all the information required by the assignment has been given. Some spelling mistakes. Quite good. Almost all the information required by the assignment has been given. Only a few spelling mistakes. Very good. All the information required by the assignment has been given. Very good spelling and written style. Excellent. The information provided is complete and exhaustive. No spelling mistakes at all and excellent written style. %25
Oral presentation Borderline. Not all the information required by the assignment has been given. Some pronunciation mistakes. Quite good. Almost all the information required by the assignment has been given. Only a few pronunciation mistakes. Very good. Almost all the information required by the assignment has been given. Very good pronunciation anf fluency. Excellent. The information provided is complete and exhaustive. Hardly any mistakes. Excellent pronunciation anf fluency. %25

Total Score: %100

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