ZUNAL Support Forum


Format entirely changed - unable to edit
I created a webquest last summer, in hopes of using it this spring. I checked in on it in the fall and all was well. I just went back to check again (to make sure all links were up to date)and the entire format of the site has changed.

Aside from the aesthetics of what my colors and background were, there are now enormous spaces between lines of text and strange symbols appear when I printed the PDF. I tried to go in to 'settings' to possibly re-edit the site, but I cannot gain access. The loading bar continues to scroll, but never advances to the next screen.

I'm very disappointed, as I was hoping to use this in the classroom this year. Is there anything that can be done so I can approve the appearance of my webquest - reduce the ridiculous amount of scrolling my 6 and 7 year old students would have to do?


United States Zunal

When you use enter between paragraphs, it is double spaced. Please try shit+enter for single space.
I'd love to do this - but I still can't access my pages to edit them.
The screen 'grays/fades' when I click to edit, and the loading/scrolling bar never goes away.

What can I do to fix this?

United States Zunal

I was able to login to your account, go to your webquest and remove the extra space between the paragraphs on intro and tasks page. It is working fine.
Thank you so much. Do you know why I can't access it any longer? I may need to update some links if they've gone 'dead' by the time I'm ready to use this in the classroom.

United States Zunal

Your access is not denied. You should have access.
I've come back to the site ... after some time away hoping the 'kinks' would be worked out by the time I came back, but I am still unable to edit my webquest. When I click on 'edit' the screen grays out, the scrolling bar appears, and never goes away. I am still unable to access my webquest.

Do you have any advice?
I'm still experimenting here, but may have found a reason for this problem. I just accessed my site from firefox rather than inte
et explorer and was able to make a change to the title page.

Is it possible that your site does not work well it Inte
et Explorer?

United States Zunal

We tested IE7 and IE8 found no errors. Checking IE6 now.

United States Zunal

This happens when you copy paste from MS. Word. Word brings lots of unwanted invisible code which breaks the page. Please use "Reset" button to remove the content of your page.