ZUNAL Support Forum


Adapting/Enhancing Webquests
Is there a how to section to walk me through doing this? Do I make changes and then publish when I am finished? If so, will everyone be able to see my changes or will only I be able to see it? I think I am missing something.....

United States Zunal

First: Find a webquest you would like to adapt and save it on your favorites using your zunal account. Then go to create a webquest and select the webquest you would like to adapt. Zunal will make a complete copy of it and have it ready for you. Once adapted, go ahead make changes (additions, deletions etc.). Nobody will see your webquest until you publish it. When you are ready, go ahead and oublish your webquest. You can add/delete/adapt as many webquest as you like. Post here if you have any other questions.