ZUNAL Support Forum


cannot delete ”Quiz“ module

How I can delete the "Quiz" module in my WebQuest?When I tried to change quiz information and delete the information are not allowed, it turned out to be "page not found".

United States Zunal

We have fixed the issue, you can now delete and update your quizzes. Thank you for the heads up!

Thank you for the reply!

I see that there should be lots of modules to add, such as photo gallery, game(hangman), but I can not find it.How I can add hangman into my WebQuest?

United States Zunal

We are currently transferring all of the modules into the new format. They will be available one by one as we complete the reformatting. Very soon.

OK,I see.I was hoping to be able to use it now....:(

I am currently doing a project and it should be finished by this Friday.

Thank you anyway!

United States Zunal

Yes, quiz module is ready.

Thank you very much!!

United States Zunal

You're welcom. Thank you for your patience during this transfer.