ZUNAL Support Forum


Problem with picture upload

I'm following your directions, but is not working. 

"Uploading/Updating an image for your page is very easy. Click on "Update Image" button. A new window will appear that prompts you to select your photo/image file from your computer."

Can you help?

Thank you!


United States Zunal

We logged in to your webquest and uploaded a test image. It seems fine. http://zunal.com/webquest.php?w=317593

Please make sure to save the picture on your computer first and select that image from your computer when uploading.

I'm still don't see the image on my page. Do I have to publish it to be able to see it?

Yes, I save the image on my computer first.

Any other recomendation?

Thank you!

United States Zunal

Can you see the "Test" image we posted on your WebQuest Welcome page? If no, there might be a block on your browser. If yes, try to upload another image. Lastly, please try a different browser (chrome, firefox etc).

Yes, I try a different browser and I can see my pictures now.

Thank You!


United States Zunal

You're welcome!