
Ancient Rome

Ancient Rome Mini Quiz

Question #1

Ancient Rome was all of the following EXCEPT:

Question #2

According to legend Romulus & Remus were raised by a:

Question #3

The Romans were excellent builders and created all of the following EXCEPT:

Question #4

Julius Caesar broke one of the laws of the 12 tables. What law did he break?

Question #5

Plebians lived in apartment flats, typically above their shops. What was a constant danger living in those conditions?

Question #6

The term Pax Romana means what?

Question #7

This man helped lead Rome out of its days of the Republic and into its days of the Empire.

Question #8

In order to try to save their empire, the Romans did what?

Question #9

What was the name of the temple that was built to honor Roman Gods?

Question #10

Ancient Rome helped to spread all of the following ideas EXCEPT:

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