
Occupational Health and Safety

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Question #1

Scenario: Modified work that is normally performed by others Ray works as a carpenter for a large construction company and injures his right arm while moving some equipment. The doctor has confirmed that Ray’s injury needs some time to heal before he can return to his pre-accident employment. Ray’s employer suggests that Ray return to work in a modified capacity and offers Ray a temporary position delivering orientation sessions to new employees as the regular trainer has been asked to do an assignment in the company’s head office. Is this reasonable?

Question #2

Scenario: Modified work not immediately available Dave works from Wednesday to Sunday as a driver for the XYZ company. On Friday afternoon, Dave is on the road when another driver runs a stop sign and hits Dave’s vehicle. Dave escapes serious injury, but his right hand and wrist are badly sprained and he is unable to drive. Dave’s employer offers him modified work at the company’s head office, which Dave accepts, but the facility doesn’t operate on the weekends so Dave is unable to start the modified work until Monday. What is the status of Dave’s claim?

Question #3

Scenario: Changes in regular duties Two health care providers have nurses with work-related back injuries. Neither nurse misses time from work, but they can’t lift patients so other nurses have to provide assistance. Employer A marks this as modified work while Employer B does not. Which is correct?

Question #4

Scenario: No change in regular duties A foreman who supervises sites hurts his back helping an employee move some materials. His doctor advises him not to do any heavy lifting for five days. Technically, he is still able to do his job as he misses no time from work and is still able to supervise the sites. Is this a modified work or a no time loss claim?

Question #5

Scenario: Unable to rotate duties A production worker has a work-related soft tissue injury. The doctor recommends that the worker’s exposure to a certain type of repetitious activity be reduced while the injury heals. The worker is trained in several production positions that the worker normally performs either as part of a rotation or for relief purposes. Some of these positions are considered suitable given the worker’s injury, and the worker is assigned to one of these production positions full-time on a temporary basis. Is this modified work?

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