
5th Grade Health

Active Children


Humans are known to be creatures of habit. Children who are inactive at a young age can create a pattern of being inactive as they become teens and adults. Children who do not exercise may develop Type II Diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, and many other weight related health problems.

According to www.heart.org, "the American Heart Association recommends that children and adolescents participate in at least sixty minutes of moderate to rigorous physical activity every day."

Adults can help children engage in physical activities by being good role models and finding exciting ways for children to be active. Physical activity is proven to help with blood circulation, increase brain activity, and promote coordination.

Task: Create a schedule for yourself for one week, to include 60 total minutes each day of physical activity. You can break up the minutes as you like, but you cannot be idle for more than 2 hours; excluding school time and sleep time. Try to make your activities fun for you.

Ask Youself: 1) What do I like to do? 2) What do I do to get from one place to the next? 3) What can I do to help myself be healthy and motivated?


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