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Subject: Social Studies Grade Level: 9-12

  • Cultural Awareness Assignment- Women'S Impact On History
    This lesson will be an assignment to fulfill the requirements of the American Military University's EDUC652 D001 Winter 2024 class. The class is under the instruction of Dr. Christopher Racek. The lesson will be to create a lesson that includes cultu
    Subject: Social Studies | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): Christina Renard
    Views: 70 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • Historia: La Prehistoria
    Alumnos de 5º de primaria, bienvenidos a este webquest en el que descubriréis cómo se vivía en la Prehistoria y todo lo que hemos evolucionado como seres humanos y sociedad.
    Subject: Social Studies | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): Lorena Mendiela
    Views: 70 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • World War Ll
    In this lesson we will be diving into the minds of the dictators that made up one of the worse wars in history. Understanding the growth of powers and elements that led to this event.
    Subject: Social Studies | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): Jennifer Avila
    Views: 69 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • تشكيل سطح الارض
    التنوع والاختلاف والتكامل أساس الحياة علي الارض
    Subject: Social Studies | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): Hazem Shokry
    Views: 69 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • رسالة النبى (ص)
    حياة المجتمع قبل مجئ الرسول
    Subject: Social Studies | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): Ahmed Hussein
    Views: 69 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • رحلة معرفية عن اماكن لها تاريخ
    رحلة معرفية عن السياحة في الوطن العربي
    Subject: Social Studies | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): Mariam Khalf
    Views: 69 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • Climate Change
    This WebQuest is designed to take you on a journey through the concept of climate change and how you, as a climate warrior, can slay the beast of a post-apocolytic future.
    Subject: Social Studies | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): V G
    Views: 69 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • Mexican Revolution Webquest Activity
    With this WebQuest, students will identify various political leaders of the Mexican Revolution based on a brief description of them. Students can use their notes, the Internet, or other sources to identify the political leaders of the Mexican Revolut
    Subject: Social Studies | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): Kevin Mathine
    Views: 69 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • World War Ii Project And Research Paper
    This is a WWI group project and research paper where students will work in groups of 4 focusing on examining the efforts throughout the war to expand or contract rights for various populations during World War II. This supports standard SS.912.A.6.4
    Subject: Social Studies | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): Diane Sherman
    Views: 68 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • Civil Rights Social Justice Activists Webquest
    This WebQuest will have students take a deep dive into learning about some historically-signifi
    cant Social Activists and groups during the Civil Rights Movement. They will utilize the links provided to do their research, and students will also
    Subject: Social Studies | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): Logan Shade
    Views: 68 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • الحضاره المصريه القديمه
    رحله معرفيه عن الحضاره المصريه القديمه
    Subject: Social Studies | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): Ramez Raafat
    Views: 68 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • علم الجغرافيا
    رحله معرفيه عن معرفه علم الجغرافيا وفروع هذا العلم
    Subject: Social Studies | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): Ahmed Gamil
    Views: 68 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • Food In Surabaya
    Traditional food in Surabaya
    Subject: Social Studies | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): Nailal Himmah Attaroqiya, Mega Silviya Putri, Abu Musa Asy'Ari, Alfi Azzahra
    Views: 68 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • Н.Н. Носов рассказ «Телефо

    Описание Веб-квеста:
    1. Просмотрит
    е видео биографию по ссылке про Н.Н. Носова. 2. Прочитайте задания и выполните их.
    Subject: Social Studies | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): Карина Луценко
    Views: 68 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • محمد علي
    حياه محمد علي
    Subject: Social Studies | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): Yasmin Hegazy
    Views: 67 | Favorited: 1 | Reviews: (1)
  • سنوسرت الثالث
    سنوسرت الثالث (ح. 1878 ق.م.-1839 ق.م.) كان من خامس فراعنة الأسرة الثانية عشر. حكم من 1878 ق.م. حتى 1839 ق.م.، ويعتبر من أعظم فراعنة الدولة الوسطى. وسماه
    Subject: Social Studies | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): Mirty Ayman
    Views: 67 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • Renaissance Art Webquest
    This Webquest is designed to explore the world of Renaissance Art and the various styles, artists, and pieces that bring this era of history to life. Students will use a variety of primary sources to develop their understanding of how the Renaissance
    Subject: Social Studies | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): Bailey Holt
    Views: 67 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • مصر تحت حكم البطالمة والرومان
    في هذه الرحلة المعرفية سنتعرف علي مصر تحت حكم البطالمة والرومان
    Subject: Social Studies | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): Farida Elsayed
    Views: 67 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • World War 1
    World War 1 was the first conflict of its kind. It shaped much of the world we know today. But what was the most deadly force in the war? Cannons? Machine guns? Or something else?
    Subject: Social Studies | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): Jesse Bearden
    Views: 67 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • The History Of Pangeran Diponegoro
    This is a webquest that will help student to learn about the history of pangeran diponegoro.
    Subject: Social Studies | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): Muhammad Rifqal Kaylafayza Rizky
    Views: 67 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)

Total Records: 4436
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