
The United States and the 13 Colonies



Task 1. (Groups of two or three)

The first task is to create a report about a state that was one of the original 13 colonies.  You will be paired off by your teacher, who will also assign you the state to work on.  Each pair will work on one state. The states are: Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina and Virginia.

You will use several websites to get the information you need. You will complete a blank report and you will record the websites where you take the information from.  You will hand in the result of your research in the form of a personal report typed and designed on the computer. When you finish this task, you will have to present it in class to the rest of the students.

Paying attention to your classmates' presentations you will learn about the other states, which you will show by filling in another report. 

Task 2 (The whole class)

The second task is to make a poster with a map of North America where the 13 colonies with their capitals are highlighted. At the bottom of this poster, under the map, you will include a timeline showing the process of independence of the United States, from 1607 (year in which Virginia was founded) to 1783 (year in which England  accepted the existence of a new country).

Before designing your timeline, you will do the task included in the resources section below. Then you will be ready to prepare your timeline in small groups, which your teacher will arrange. You should be ready to show and share your timeline with all your classmates because all the class will choose the most suitable one to be included in the poster.

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