
Make it Enjoyable


"Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!" Psalm 107: 21

This is My Father's World - Hymn

Make your camping trip enjoyable by being helpful to your family, watching your attitude so you are not grumpy or cranky, and finding fun things to do.

Every moment you are alive is a learning experience - so learn as much as you can while you are out in God's creation. Everything you look at, hear, touch, smell and taste is a new experience for you or adds to previous information you have learned. The more you can get out and do, the more you will learn.

The following is a lengthy list of things you can do while camping that make for enjoyable times:

* Wading in streams (make sure you keep your shoes on so you don't step on a fish hook left behind by 
* Go hiking, for a long walk, biking or in some other form explore your new backyard
* Go fishing if it is permissible - make sure to check and see if you need a fishing license!
* Work on a nature journal and take along colored pencils, graphite pencils and a journal - document as
   much as you can see through quick sketches or get very detailed and spend all day on one object.
* "Be still..." and listen to all the sounds around you - try and determine everything you are hearing 
     and make a detailed list.
* Make smores! Lots and lots of smores!
* Take a nap and stay up late identifying stars, star clusters and constellations.
* Take checkers, chess or cards and spend time playing together, especially if it's raining.
* Take time to wander and wonder and seek God in His nature - talk with Him.
* Create and engage in a scavenger hunt! Make a list of things you might find in the campground or
   surrounding area and break into teams to see who can gather the items first - make sure the items 
   you choose are not endangered in any way or that you destroy something in order to take it back to
   camp - you can always check it off your list and explain where to find it instead.
* Learn about Geocatching here: http://www.geocaching.com/ Consider replacing what you find with
   some goodies and a small Bible or New Testament. Here's another link: http://www.navicache.com/
* Look into Junior Ranger programs at your campground.
* Get wet - go splash in the water.
* Pan for gold - you can actually find tiny bits if you try in some areas.
* Near sand or a sandy shore - don't forget to bring the sand toys and sunscreen!
* Blow bubbles - put it on your list of "to bring" items.
* Horse shoes or other tossing games.
* Take up botany - bring some books for the area you will be at and learn how to identify plant life.
* Learn how to identify fish, birds and wildlife as well as what their tracks look like.
* Make popcorn over the campfire.
* Birdwatching - bring some birdseed and see how many species you can attrack. Take photos with the
   flash off or draw them in your nature journal.
* Learn how to work a compass - it takes practice!
* Learn about orienteering - it takes even MORE practice!
* Practice knot tying - bring a book and several lengths of thin rope.
* Practice making fire without matches and other survival skills.
* Read a book in peace and quiet while everyone else is busy!

These are just a few things you can do - there is no limit to what nature provides for entertainment, we just need to open our modernized minds to see it and enjoy the new opportunities that open up for us.

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