
Caring for Wildlife in Communities (CWICNET)


The learner will:

  • explain what is meant by the phrase, "It's a small world."

  • define environmental stewardship as the careful and responsible management of the Earth and its environment’s

  • discuss specific that people of all ages can be good stewards of the Earth.

  • create a picture of one example of taking care of the Earth.

  • brainstorm ideas for an Earth Day service project.

Draw an outline of a person. Listening to your head, write or draw what you think of your present environmental actions . Listening to  your heart, write or draw how you feel. By the hands, write what you did. Listening to your feet, write your next steps.


Lyrics to the song “It’s A Small World" can be found at the following sites: http://www.niehs.nih.gov/kids/lyrics/smworld.htm

Asch, Frank. The Earth And I. New York, NY: Scholastic, 1994: ISBN: 0-590-89752-7

Youtube video and music of "It's a Small World."


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  • Display a globe and play the song "It's a Small World."  Listen carefully to the lyrics of the song. Ask what it means that we live in a small world. What does the song mean that "there's so much that we share"? What do we share? Why is it a world of laughter, tears, hopes, and fears? List examples to support the conclusion that all over the globe we are all alike in many ways and we share the same natural resources.

  • List the amazing features of the Earth, such as mountains, oceans, and other landforms. Name some of the continents and countries and describe the different climates and beautiful regional characteri landscapes. Appreciate that although we live in different places, do different things, and dress differently, we all have our planet Earth on which we evolved in common. It is therefore for our common good that we all take care of the Earth we share. Since we all share the Earth, it is everyone's responsibility help take care of it. The responsible maintenance and care of the earth and its environment is called environmental stewardship.

  • Read the story The Earth and I by Frank Asch. The child in the story takes the reader on an exploration of what the Earth has to offer and how we can help preserve its resources. After reading the story, list the ways the child in the story was able to help care for the Earth. There are many ways of stewardship of the Earth (planting, raking, picking up trash, etc.).

  • Define the word philanthropy as giving time, talent, and treasure for the common good. An act of stewardship is an example of philanthropy. When they give their time to pick up trash or plant trees, they are doing it for the common good of everyone in the world.

  • Frank Asch used watercolor to create the illustrations. Look back through the story and make notes about the illustrations and techniques..Draw a picture of yourself taking care of the Earth. Write a sentence to describe the actions in their pictures.

  • Brainstorm ideas for a class project for Earth Day. Think of activities that exhibit care for the Earth we share that will demonstrate to others that stewardship of the Earth benefits everyone and is everyone's responsibility.

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