
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

Step 3


Follow the links at the bottom of the page, in the resources section, to answer the question. You can also use Google to look up other information.

The Ku Klux Klan was originally organized as a social club, but devolved into a terrorist organization. There is a reference to "night riders" in this book, which is an allusion to the KKK because they often conducted their "business" in the dark of night. Additionally, all activities were done in groups, or mobs, and they often wore robes made of sheets to hide their identity. 

What does the fact that such activities were done disguised, at night, and in groups tell you about the groups, and the people involved?


Web Link
  • Hate Map
    Description: A map of hate groups in the United States according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Web Link
  • The KKK
    Description: Use this website to complete Step 3

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