
The Trojan War




# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
research - details and accuracy of information limited details or several inaccuracies few details, one or two inaccuracies accurate details, adequate information vivid details with necessary as well as supporting information 25%
presentation of information through interview - performance limited interaction, barely audible, little emotional expression - Performance is halting or automated. fair amount of interaction, audible, some emotional expression - Students are making an effort to perform in character. interactive, engaging, easily understood - Students are in character. enthusiastic, expressive, entertaining - Students are engaged with their character. 25%
written interview limited voice, weak organization, many errors in mechanics developing voice, loose organization, several errors in mechanics strong voice, coherent organization, few errors in mechanics dynamic and expressive voice,creative organization, minor errors in mechanics 25%
group work and participation hindered group process, frequently off task or absent at least half of the time limited participation in group process, often off task, or absent at least 25% of the time equitable participation in group process, on task, absent little or made up all missed work because of absence participation above requirements of group, contributed extra effort to task, completed all requirements on or ahead of schedule 25%

Total Score: 100%

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