
The United States and the 13 Colonies




# Bad (1) Average (2) Good (3) Very Good (4) Score
Information accuracy and completeness 4 or more items of the report presented are missing or inaccurate. 2-3 items of the report presented are missing or inaccurate. 1 item of the report presented is missing or inaccurate. All information presented is complete and accurate. 50%
Organization Report is unorganized. Material presented is randomly placed. No pictures or not centered. Report is somewhat organized. Spacing between items is not consistent. Pictures are not centered. Report has only minor organizational problems. Spacing is mostly consistent. Some pictures are centered. Report is organized in an attractive manner. Spacing between items is even and pictures are centered. 20%
Language production Many grammar and/or spelling mistakes. Apparently a translator from Spanish has been used. No cohesion. It is difficult to understand the oral presentation. Perfect English, everything has been copied. It is possible to understand the oral presentation, but it is just the result of memorizing. The use of language is simple but original. The oral presentation is original and can be understood. Everything is original. There are mistakes but they don't impede understanding. 20%
Language perception 4 or more items of the information given by the classmates are missing or inaccurate. 2-3 items of the information given by the classmates are missing. 1 item of the information given by the classmates is missing or inaccurate. The student gets all the information. 10%

Total Score: %100

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