
The Renaissance Greats: A Webquest Comparing the Historical and Artistic Impact of the Four Greatest Artists of the Italian Renaissance.



     Congratulations Time Traveler! You have completed your tasks and prepared yourself well to meet the artist you have chosen as the greatest. Your research is valuable. Now, you understand the significance of the Renaissance time period on all of history that came after and the contributions of those artists who lived and created during that time. 

     Alas, the time machine is broken. Unfortunately, you will not be able to meet your chosen artist at this time. But for extra credit, ceate a dialogue between you and the artist as though you had actually met. In your paper, imagine the questions you would like to ask him and record what his answers might be? Keep your questions and answers family friendly and school appropriate.

     Once we have tallied all the students' artist choice, we will watch a movie of the winning artist selected by the majority. Who was the most influential Renaissance artist on history and in the world of art? The answer will soon be known.

     The hour is closing. Thank you for your great work! Until we meet again . . . wishing you good travels through time.

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