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Subject: Social Studies Grade Level: 9-12

  • Rise Of The Nazi Party
    For this Webquest, students must understand the Treaty of Versailles and the conditions in Germany which led to the rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party. This quest will take students through the point of view of why the German people chose to follow th
    Subject: Social Studies | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): Andrew Johnson
    Views: 50 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • Project Based Learning (prophet Of Mercy)
    Embark on a digital exploration of the life and teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), renowned as the Prophet of Mercy. In this immersive webquest, students will uncover the profound impact of his character, actions, and guidance on shap
    Subject: Social Studies | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): Alaa Elsayed
    Views: 42 | Favorited: 1 | Reviews: (1)
  • Cristóbal Colón Y El Mapa Vikingo
    Web quest en la que tendrán que buscar información sobre cierto mapa que parecía estar en manos de Cristóbal Colón.
    Subject: Social Studies | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): Javier Varela
    Views: 41 | Favorited: 1 | Reviews: (0)
  • Prominent And Influential People Of Russia
    The task is dedicated to the most influential and famous personalities in history. By completing the task, you will be able to refresh your memory and learn something new about historical figures.
    Subject: Social Studies | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): George Belousov
    Views: 41 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • قصة ظهور الاسلام
    هي رحلة معرفية عن قصة ظهور الاسلام وي
    شمل نشأة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم - ملامح الحياة في شبة الجزيرة العريبة قبل الإسلام-- مراحل الدعو
    Subject: Social Studies | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): Mstafa Ehab
    Views: 38 | Favorited: 1 | Reviews: (0)
  • Scramble And Partition Of Africa
    Welcome to the Scramble and Partition of Africa WebQuest.
    Subject: Social Studies | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): Sophia Grace Muuyo
    Views: 32 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • رحله عبر الفضاء
    فى هذا الرحلة سوف نتعرف على مجموعه من الكواكب الشمسية ودورانه حول الارض
    Subject: Social Studies | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): رحمه محمد
    Views: 25 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • الزراعه في وطننا العربي
    في هذه الرحله سوف نتعرف على اهميه الزراعه في وطننا العربي واهم المحاصيل الزراعيه فيه
    Subject: Social Studies | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): Hassan Ehab
    Views: 21 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (1)
  • Búsqueda De Figuras Lgbtq+ Relevantes En La Actualidad
    Búsqueda de Figuras LGBTQ+ relevantes en la actualidad
    Subject: Social Studies | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): María Isabel García
    Views: 20 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • First Battle Of Bull Run
    Students will learn about the First Battle of Bull Run in the United states civil war. Specifically, they will learn about Key generals, locations, and results of the battle.
    Subject: Social Studies | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): Trent Couch
    Views: 19 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • Climate Change
    This WebQuest is designed to take you on a journey through the concept of climate change and how you, as a climate warrior, can slay the beast of a post-apocolytic future.
    Subject: Social Studies | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): V G
    Views: 18 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • رحلة مع روائع الحضارة الاسلامية
    لما لا تحرك أشرعتك معنا لأستكشاف جميع ما يخص حضارتنا الاسلامية العريقة من حكم وادارة وسير نظامها الاقتصادي وجمال علومها كما الادب العربي
    Subject: Social Studies | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): Noran Ayman
    Views: 12 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • The Solar System
    Embark on a captivating journey through the cosmos with the "Solar System Discovery Quest" WebQuest! In this immersive online adventure, students will explore the wonders of our celestial neighborhood, from the scorching surface of Merc
    Subject: Social Studies | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): Terreka Phipps
    Views: 12 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • Exploring Our Precious Planet
    This WebQuest is created to educate students about the importance of planet Earth.
    Subject: Social Studies | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): Stacy Merchant
    Views: 12 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • الانسان ومنهج الله
    رحلة معرفية عن وحدة تتحدث عن الإنسان ومنهج الله تعتبر رحلة روحية وفكرية مثيرة، تنطلق بالبحث عميق في أعماق الذات والوجود. تتخلل هذه الرحل
    Subject: Social Studies | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): Saleh Mahmoud
    Views: 9 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • History: Great Zimbabwe
    This website is about one of the pre-colonial states in which our beautiful nation was named that is Great Zimbabwe.
    Subject: Social Studies | Grade: 9-12
    Author(s): Vimbai Elicy Teedzayi
    Views: 9 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)

Total Records: 4436
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