
Boston Tea Party: The Liberty Gazette

What happened during the Boston Tea Party?

Can you tell what happened during the Boston Tea Party? Lets see....

Question #1

What was the Boston Tea Party?

Question #2

In what year did the Boston Tea Party take place?

Question #3

What sparked the Boston Tea Party?

Question #4

Angry and frustrated at a new tax on tea, American colonists disguised as Mohawk Native Americans boarded 3 British ships and did what?

Question #5

What caused the port of Boston to be closed entirely?

Question #6

John Hancock was one of the leaders of the Sons of Liberty, who dumped the hundreds of crates of tea in the harbor. (TRUE/FALSE)

Question #7

Boston Tea Party was a symbolic act, an example of how far Americans were willing to speak out for thier...

Question #8

The Boston Tea Party is also known as the Boston Massacre/ (TRUE/FALSE)

Question #9

Which of the following did the Boston Tea Party help get started?

Question #10

Many colonists in Boston and elsewhere in the country, protested after the Boston Tea Party. What did they do to protest?

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