
Oscar Wilde: A True Literary Feast

Video Interpretations of Oscar Wilde


Enjoy a visual feast of the life and works of Oscar Wilde!


Description: Movie Trailer for "Wilde" - Stephen Fry plays the playwright famed for his wit, and infamous for his trial and conviction for homosexuality in 19th century England. Jude Law is the young aristocratic lover who treated Wilde cruelly, while Tom Wilkinson plays the young man's father. Vanessa Redgrave is another noblewoman in Wilde's circle. Directed by Brian Gilbert. With Gemma Jones, Jennifer Ehle, and Judy Parfitt. Categories: Biography, Drama. Year: 1997.

Description: Oscar Wilde Animation

Description: Movie Trailer - "The Importance of Being Earnest"

Description: A&E Bio

Description: Theatrical Production of Importance of Being Earnest

Description: Oscar Wilde Part I

Description: Oscar Wilde Part II

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